Sabbath Message by Wade Cox

Tabernacles 15-23/7/26/120
Appendix 1

Dear Friends,

For those of us who are too ill to attend a feast site or in some cases too distant and unable to travel we need to consider a number of matters and study papers that will help us concentrate on the tasks ahead and the way in which God will deal with our planet over the coming years.

We should also realise that there are many people who access the papers and who have not yet made the decision to join us. That number also encompasses many groups in many lands. Perhaps many tens of thousands are involved. For those we provide the following study lists for the feast period.

The purpose of the Feast is at
Ingathering (No. 139);
Keeping the Feast (No. 56); and
God’s Feasts as they relate to the Creation (No. 227).

For the consideration of the environment now and our impact on it until the time of the Restoration, we might consider the following papers:
The Foodlaws (No. 15);
Global Warming and Bible Prophecy (No. 218); and also
Vegetarianism and the Bible (No. 183).

The build up to the Feast representing the Return of the Messiah is covered in the following papers:
The Seven Seals (140);
The Seven Trumpets (141);
The Fall of Jericho (No. 142); and
Gideon’s Force and the Last Days (No. 22).
The Day of the Lord and the Last Days (No. 192); and
The Last Thirty Years; The Final Struggle (No. 219).

The Last Great Day is explained in the papers:
The Resurrection on the Dead (No. 143);
The Judgment of the Demons (No. 80).
The City of God (No. 180).

The Soul (No. 92) is a useful reference paper for the Last Great Day as is Consubstantial with the Father (No. 81).

An interesting paper to study while contemplating what the demons are doing in preparation for this time can be seen in the paper:
The Other Side of Starwars (No.181).

The sequels to these films have been now issued and the sequels show the clear intent of portraying Darth Vader as the Messiah by virgin birth. The youngsters find this interesting in view of its entertainment and topical value and comment.

The entire sequence of papers will ensure you have a full feast study period and more.

Wade Cox

Coordinator General


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